Saturday, June 14, 2014

Deep Water Culture (DWC) Cannabis Plants in Grow Tent

What's up guys chasing here is yet another grow tent there's a fresh filter in their six by 16 400 CFM right there and you can see where the air is being channeled through the light and out the in line fan as the marzipan all this stuff is brand spanking new including the grow tent this is this guy's second time growing he is growing and DWC method there's the hood back there and theirs is inline fan he's planning on throwing right there to the in taking now we get some fresh air going inside his tent there's the years some master 600 want that he's using his balance is back here on a few could see it or not don't think you can we say oh yes and I supra loom in setting right now which gives about lives about 10 percent more lighting on so you know who knows how many what exactly is running right now and how many luminous is coming now but it's definitely brought in just the 600 so if you have an option to get a an electronic balance with the superluminal option go ahead and grab it especially the digital ballast nowadays just grab on those don't get the old school ones in my opinion I they my last longer and all but there are lot of my loud you don't have the dimming capability which is really really convenient for veg in plants especially when you're using one on 10 I like grow 10 or grow room for for your plants and I you can turn it down you can't turn it up as needed especially fly Conference Center you're in a hot climate I'm in on the hardest part of the day the you might be growing in you could turn it down I'm in turn it up periodically during the day might not be the best option by the death music a a better than the not having that option so the guys have it here transported these ladies in a trash bag in his car so he wouldn't on he would and I you not detect any and are attracting people there were looking losin' you know maybe call the police on me does have a scripted but our you know who want stroll with the pig so anyhow there you guys go these are five-gallon buckets recirculating her she's mean just deep water culture there's no research elation I'm here you can see the leaves ur they're not tonight great they're not as lush in a vibrant as they were kinda like sticking out like so o'connor drooping little bit told Murray is because the trash bag because it a little stress is going on they will perk backup not a problem so just kinda given you guys an overall look at this Ted and maybe give you guys some ideas and some passion for your own growth future growth chance or existing grow ten someone I could do a lot along with his growth as a really fabulous they're great they really cared ISO there you guys have it do me a favor possums and comments let me know what you guys think I the sponsor few weeks old I don't know exactly how many budgets judging by the growth definitely minimum like a month old so and how guys thank you for tuning in take care enjoy your day its prop King scenes world-class cannabis seeds available online in stores don't forget to LIKE comment and subscribe visit s at crop King seeds dot com grab some seeds and start growing today world-class cannabis seeds worldwide delivery

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